Constitution: ________________>>>>>>>>>> open pdf version....

The Microleague of the Northwest:

  1. The League shall be known as the “Micro League of the North West”, hereinafter referred to as the “League” and shall be affiliated to the Northern Counties ASA.

  2. Membership of the League is open to any Club currently affiliated to N.C.A.S.A. whose current years subscription, to that body, has been paid.

  3. The Annual Subscription is due 1st January and Member Clubs must have paid their Annual subscription no later than 31st January in the year of competition.

  4. The object of the League shall be to encourage competitive swimming for young swimmers between the ages of 9 and 12 years, and to determine which team
    will go forward to represent The League in the National Competition during that year.  This team will be awarded the “North West Micro League Trophy”,
    which will be held for one year.

  5. One delegate of each Affiliated Club shall form the Council of the League.

  6. Each member Club shall be entitled to be represented at any General or Council Meeting of the League by one delegate who shall be entitled to vote at that meeting. The names and addresses of delegates are to be notified to the League Hon Secretary by the Hon Secretary of the Club they will represent.  A substitute may attend in the event of the nominated delegate being unable to do so, with written authority from their Club Hon Secretary.

  7. The Management of the League shall be vested in an Executive Committee consisting of the Chairperson, the Hon Secretary, Hon Treasurer and the Hon Registration Secretary. Three Members present at any Committee Meeting shall constitute a quorum. The Chairperson or the Hon Secretary giving seven clear days notice in writing shall call executive Meetings.

  8. The duties of the Executive Committee shall be to:

    1. Enforce the Laws and Rules of the ASA where applicable.
    2. Enforce the League Competition rules
    3. Organise the swim off’s and the Final to determine the winning team for that season.
    4. Inform the organizers of the National Competition when that result is known.

  9. The Annual General Meeting of the League shall be held in January each year
    for the purpose of:

    1. Consideration of the Report and Financial Statement from the previous year and to fix the Subscription for the following year.
    2. To elect, from amongst the Council Members present, the following Officers:
      • Chairperson
      • Hon Secretary
      • Hon Treasurer
      • Hon Registration Secretary
      • Hon Auditor

    3. To consider new applications for membership of the League
    4. To consider alterations to the Constitution and/or Competition Rules
    5. To consider any other business.

      The Hon Secretary shall give 14 days notice of the time, date and place
      of the Annual General Meeting to all Affiliated Clubs.

  10. The duties of the Chairperson shall be:
  1. To chair all meetings of the League Executive Committee and any General Meeting that may be called.
  2. To act as the representative of the League at any meeting of the National Executive when called upon to do so.
  3. To represent the League at any regional or National Event when called upon to do so.
  4. To act as delegate to N.C.A.S.A.
  5. To attend the swim off’s and final to present the Trophies
    to all attending teams.
  1. The duties of the Hon. Secretary shall be:

    1. To receive applications for membership of the League.
    2. To record all business carried out at any Executive, Council
      or General meeting.
    3. To conduct all correspondence.
    4. To prepare and issue a report of League activities each year.

  2. The duties of the Hon Treasurer shall be:

    1. To receive all monies and credit to the League Bank Account.
    2. To pay any outstanding accounts.
    3. To prepare and issue a Financial Statement each year

  3. The duties of the Registration Secretary shall be:

    1. To issue registration forms to all Clubs submitting more than one team.
    2. To maintain duly completed forms ready for scrutiny.
    3. To receive and scrutinize completed results and team sheets
      where applicable.
    4. To attend the swim off’s and final in order to discharge any other duty
      on that day

  4. A Special General Meeting shall be called on receipt of a written request,
    signed by, at least, five delegates from Member Clubs, stating the purpose
    of the meeting.  No other business will be discussed at any such meeting. 
    Seven delegates present at any Special General Meeting will form a quorum.

  5. Any proposed alteration to the Constitution and/or Competition Rules may only
    be considered at the Annual General Meeting and must be made, in writing to
    the Hon Secretary, no later than 21 days before that meeting. 
    The Hon Secretary shall then give 14 days notice to all Affiliated Clubs of
    any such proposals.  Any alterations to the Competition Rules shall be accepted
    by a simple majority and shall become effective immediately. 
    Changes to the Constitution will be accepted upon a simple majority,
    subject only to any comments to be made by the Rules Committee
    of the N.C.A.S.A., whereupon they will become effective immediately.

  6. New applications for membership of the League shall be made, in writing,
    to the Hon Secretary, along with one years’ subscription, which will be refunded
    if the application is not effected.  Acceptance of new applications will only be considered at the Annual General Meeting and will require a simple majority vote
    by those delegates or their substitutes attending that meeting
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